Qui Tam

Should I Hire a Lawyer Before Whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing can be a powerful tool for exposing illegal or unethical activities within an organization. However, the decision to blow the whistle comes with significant risks and complexities. One crucial question often arises before taking such a step: Should I hire a lawyer before whistleblowing? Given the potential legal and professional ramifications, experienced whistleblower attorney James H. […]

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3 Famous Whistleblower Cases in America

Whistleblowers play an important role in exposing corruption and wrongdoing. Not everyone who raises a concern about a possible violation or engages in another protected activity makes headlines. However, some whistleblowers have exposed large-scale misconduct and egregious offenses resulting in massive fines. Most people are familiar with these whistleblower cases: Big tobacco: Jeffrey Wigand was

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Common Myths About Whistleblower Claims

Whistleblowers bravely report illegal or unethical activities within their workplace. However, myths about whistleblower protections, retaliation, and compensation abound, preventing individuals from standing up for what is right. Here are a few false beliefs about qui tam actions: You can get fired for blowing the whistle: There are state and federal laws in place to

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Understanding the False Claims Act & Your Rights as a Whistleblower

Whistleblowers take a big risk when exposing fraudulent activities of companies. Retaliation against whistleblowers is prohibited, but this doesn’t prevent companies from taking improper actions. To protect yourself as a whistleblower, you need an experienced lawyer who understands your rights and how to protect you from illegal retaliation. Attorney James H. Shoemaker, Jr. has been

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What to Do if You Suspect Construction Fraud

No matter where you live, you’ve probably seen it—highways being built, roads being repaired or widened, and massive buildings slowly growing towards the sky. It seems like many towns and cities are in a constant state of construction. The federal government funds or assists many of these construction projects, and it can be a lot

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What Can A Whistleblower Do About Pharmaceutical Kickbacks?

The pharmaceutical industry is big business, and the stakes are high – if there’s corruption in the process and a drug makes it to market when it shouldn’t, innocent people can get hurt. One of the more common forms of pharmaceutical corruption is physician kickbacks. These have been illegal since 1987, but, sadly, this doesn’t

What Can A Whistleblower Do About Pharmaceutical Kickbacks? Read More »

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