IRS Whistleblower – Tax Fraud Lawyer in Newport, VA

Serving Clients in Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, Washington D.C. & Throughout the U.S.

The Tax Relief and Health Act of 2006 allows tax whistleblowers a reward for aiding the government in recovery of money withheld in fraudulent tax practices. You can help resolve significant federal tax issues with your knowledge of corporate or individual tax fraud.

If you have specific and credible information about tax fraud, call James H. Shoemaker, Jr., today at 757.223.4560 for your free, confidential tax whistleblower consultationin Newport News, VA.

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Recovery for Whistleblowing

As a whistleblower, you can recover a percentage of the amount collected in the case. If the amount in dispute exceeds $2 million, including taxes, penalties, and interest, you may receive 15 to 30 percent of the amount recovered. For cases that do not meet this minimum threshold, you may recover up to 15 percent.

Confidentiality of IRS Whistleblowers

As an IRS whistleblower, your identity will be kept confidential unless you are needed as an essential witness in a judicial proceeding. Many times when recoveries are obtained, the company is unaware that it is the subject of a whistleblower claim.

Types of Tax Fraud to Report

Many actions can contribute to significant tax underpayment. Detailed evidence of these types of fraud can help the IRS recover tax dollars and qualify you for an award under the IRS whistleblower program:

  • Underreporting income
  • Claiming false deductions
  • Overstating deductions
  • Abusing charitable deductions
  • Maintaining two sets of books
  • Creating false record entries
  • Abusing tax shelters
  • Exaggerating losses
  • Concealing earnings from foreign markets
  • Failing to report stock exchange income

Time-Sensitive Information

Reporting tax fraud is time sensitive. You must be the first to report in order to be eligible for an award for your efforts. Mr. Shoemaker can help you build your case, file it promptly, and keep your identity confidential.

Schedule a client consultation in Newport News, VA

Are you ready to blow the whistle on tax fraud you have discovered? Call Mr. Shoemaker, a partner at Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, today at 757.223.4560 for your free, confidential consultation*. Our experience is national and we welcome clients from Virginia and across the United States.

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