Pharmaceutical Fraud Lawyer in Newport News & Hampton, VA

Serving Clients in Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, Washington D.C. & Throughout the U.S.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of America's most profitable. Everyone needs medicine, and there are huge profit margins to be found in the development and production of new drugs.

It's obviously vital that these drugs work as advertised and that the companies involved adhere to all regulations pertaining to safety, disclosure and financial matters. Sadly, this doesn't always happen- with the profit motive being so intense in the pharmaceutical industry, the incentive to cut corners is significant.

James Shoemaker is a lawyer with ample experience in pharmaceutical fraud cases. He can help if you're a whistleblower looking for the best way to draw attention to fraud in the pharmaceutical industry.

If you need an experienced pharmaceutical fraud lawyer, please call James Shoemaker today at 757.223.4560. Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein is located in Virginia, but we welcome cases from across the country.

Your Options

For those who work in the pharmaceutical industry and struggle with the decision to come forward and blow the whistle, one of the main concerns is patient confidentiality. The federal HIPAA law imposes strict privacy regulations on medical providers. Whistleblowers are often worried about violating this law if they come forward.

Fortunately, HIPAA contains exceptions for whistleblowers. You have to navigate the law carefully, but that can be done with the help of our experienced pharmaceutical fraud lawyer.

Some common examples of pharmaceutical fraud include:

  • Falsifying results of clinical trials
  • Hiding records of adverse events
  • Kickbacks to doctors
  • Off-label marketing of drugs
  • Price inflation

One consistent theme in whistleblower cases is that retaliation against whistleblowers is illegal- you cannot be punished for blowing the whistle by being fired, demoted or having your pay cut. But actually taking advantage of these protections requires an experienced lawyer fighting by your side.

We recognize the importance of your work as a pharmaceutical industry whistleblower. Mr. Shoemaker will work to ensure you receive all the protections you are entitled to, all while pursuing compensation through the appropriate laws.

If you have questions about the proper forum for blowing the whistle on pharmaceutical industry fraud, please call James Shoemaker today at 757.223.4560.

How Can We Help?

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