Government Construction Fraud Lawyer in Newport, VA

Serving Clients in Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, Washington D.C. & Throughout the U.S.

The federal government funds a huge amount of construction across the country. Whether you're talking about new buildings or new highways, the federal government is the nation's most prolific builder.

And all that money means a lot of opportunities for fraud. With the massive scope of the government's construction efforts, it's difficult for them to effectively monitor all of their contractors and sub-contractors.

Whistleblowers like you help by reporting construction fraud and bringing unethical companies to account. But you need the protection of an experienced, capable lawyer if you're going to do the right thing.

If you've become aware of fraud in government construction and you're considering blowing the whistle, please call James Shoemaker today at 757.223.4560. Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein is located in Virginia, but we welcome cases from across the country.

Examples of Construction Fraud

Quality, high-level construction is incredibly important. When you're driving on a recently constructed bridge or going to work in a shiny new government building, you need to have confidence that the structure has integrity.

Most government contractors are ethical in their work and strive to provide high-quality construction. However, bad apples bilk taxpayers and put lives at risk, which is why reporting them is so important.

Examples of construction fraud in government contracts include:

  • Using sub-par materials
  • Falsifying billable hours or otherwise over-charging
  • Bid-rigging
  • Failing to follow project specifications
  • Falsifying minority contractor status
  • Bribery and others forms of quid pro quo corruption

The federal False Claims Act provides incentives for whistleblowers to bring these cases to light. You might be entitled to between 10 and 30-percent of any penalties resulting from a case you bring to court.

However, whistleblowers are often subject to retaliation, even though that's against the law. And successfully navigating the False Claims Act is quite difficult. Mr. Shoemaker will make sure you are protected.

We have decades of experience in these tricky, complicated whistleblower cases. We know how dangerous and unfair government construction fraud is, and we're committed to providing you with the experienced legal representation you need and deserve as you consider blowing the whistle.

If you want to speak to our experienced government construction fraud lawyer about your options, please call James Shoemaker today at 757.223.4560.

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