Civil Rights Violations Attorney in Newport News & Hampton, VA

Serving Clients in Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, Washington D.C. & Throughout the U.S.

Federal law provides relief for citizens who have suffered injuries as a result of civil rights violations. Examples of such cases include those involving police brutality, injuries or deaths caused by government employees, infringement of First Amendment rights, and infringement of due process rights.

Mr. Shoemaker has over 22 years of experience as a trial attorney and is a partner in the law firm of Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, L.C. ("PWHD"), based in Virginia. Mr. Shoemaker, his partners and associates are available for representation nationwide.

Civil Rights Violations Attorney Newport News VA

Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation

If you have suffered a loss as a result of a civil rights violation, we encourage you to contact us online or call 757.223.4560 today. One of our paralegals will review the facts of your case with you, and then Mr. Shoemaker will call you and discuss your case free of charge*.

Book Your Appointment Today

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