When Should You Seek An Unemployment Attorney?

Unemployment can have a devastating effect on a person’s life. However, if you have been a victim of wrongful discharge, you may be able to seek justice and compensation with the help of an experienced unemployment attorney. wrongful discharge employment law

James Shoemaker has years of experience helping those who have been wrongfully terminated, and as a partner at Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, has the resources to take on even the largest corporations.

Have You Been Wrongfully Discharged?

There are legal protections in place across America at the state and federal levels that prevent employers from terminating someone based on, for example:

If any of these examples apply to you, seek an unemployment attorney for a consultation to see if you have a wrongful termination case.

Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

If you have been fired, demoted, passed up for promotional opportunities, or given an unreasonable workload based solely on your race, gender, age, or other inherent characteristic, then you may have a case for an employment law attorney.

Likewise, if you have been harassed at work by coworkers or managers due to any of these characteristics, you may have a case if you went to HR and either nothing changed or you were retaliated against.

Retaliation By An Employer

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against you when you engage in a protected activity. These types of protected activities can include:

  • Reporting discrimination or harassment
  • Reporting fraud or other illegal activity by a coworker or superior
  • Reporting overtime violations
  • Reporting violations of federal or state acts such as the Sarbannes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Schedule a Consultation with an Unemployment Attorney

James Shoemaker has extensive experience handling employment law cases, and with the resources of major law firm Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, is able to help you obtain the best possible outcome.

Call 757-223-4580 today to schedule your consultation. In addition to litigation, we also offer  legal advice regarding employment contracts, severance agreements, unemployment benefits, and more.


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